Monday, 17 October 2011

Two drawings of a new model

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Two sketches done in the class in gaps between teaching. Hana and Nina.Clutch pencil, my favourite at the moment.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Autumn Painting

Some dead daffs in a jar. Oil on Linen

New painting

New painting of Chrissy in her beautiful straw hat.
Oil on canvas

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

A small still life , 20 x 16 "

Been a long time... two new life drawings each one about 2 1/2 hours if you factor in breaks.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Another tonal painting using white trans red oxide , yellow ochre french ultramarine blue. Not quite as successful as the previous, but it has its qualitites

Sunday, 13 March 2011

A lot of times when you paint or draw you are just treading water, doing what you already know, but with this one I really feel I learnt something. I used 5 colours, transparent red oxide, yellow ochre, black, Kings blue Light (a favourite of mine, available from Michael Harding) and white. I started out on the wrong foot and wiped it and found that the red oxide made a wonderful orange stain on the board. I used this as a base colour for the body and built up the tones with more oxide and white and rubbed into the oxide further to produce a transparent effect in the skin. As it is a tonal painting, I should have painted the floor in tones of red, but gave in to the real colour. Perhaps I shouldn't have,but all in all I think it is reasonably successful and will pursue this colour scheme for my quickies, (quick in this case being about 2 - 3 hours.)
A word about the model and pose. Jenny volunteered to do this standing pose with a slight twist for three hours,(!)(with breaks) and at the end earned a spontaneous round of applause from the artists! She said she likes to actively contribute to the sessions with her poses and not just flop about on a mattress, perhaps something other models could do with taking note of!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Four quickie pencil studies

These were done in the class between seeing students. About 2 minutes each, although the top one was worked on throughout the evening. Could become a painting....

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Small painting

A small (14 x10 inches) oil on mdf done at the Liver Sketching Club in Liverpool.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Three new quickie drawings

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

New Drawings

It has been a longtimesince I last posted, Christmas has come and gone and I have been struggling with the painting of H. (Below) That isstill goingon, andwhen it is in a good enough state to photograph I will post the latest incarnation. It may well change radically! In the meantime here are some pen and ink drawings of Kim.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Two new life drawings

Both done recently of models Iris and Shirley. Black charcoal and red sanguine respectivly